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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.As origin tale
explains something the earliest people didn't understand.
always includes gods and goddesses.
is told to glorify a leader.
answers questions about Sioux culture.

2.What is the old woman in the tale doing?
making rawhide out of tanned animal skins
picking berries to use in wojapi, a sweet soup
making a blanket strip out of dyed porcupine quills
making earthenware pots for cooking

3.What does Shunka Sapa, the huge black dog, do when the woman's back is turned?
He eats all of the berry soup in the earthenware pot.
He pulls the quills from the blanket strip the woman is making.
He uses his teeth to flatten porcupine quills for her blanket.
He puts out the fire that was lit a thousand or more years ago.

4.According to this Sioux myth, how do the dog's actions help people?
If the soup boils over, the Sioux people will be conquered.
If the ancient fire goes out, the world will come to an end.
If porcupine quills are used to make a blanket, there will be no rain for ten years.
If the woman finishes the blanket strip, the world will come to an end.

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