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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What was Arachne known for throughout Greece?
dyeing wool
catching shellfish
spinning and weaving
shearing sheep

2.What character trait of Arachne's leads to her competition with Athene?
stubborn pride
reckless temper
extreme laziness
selfish greed

3.The onlookers see that Arachne and Athene's skill is nearly equal, but
Arachne uses brighter colors.
Athene is working more quickly.
Arachne is weaving a prettier scene.
Athene is cheating.

4.What does Athene include in her weaving as a warning to Arachne?
a picture of Poseideon, ruler of the seas
scenes of prisoners in Athens
pictures of mortals who competed with gods and lost
scenes of evil and unworthy actions of the gods

5.What is Arachne's fate at the end of the myth?
She must compete with other goddesses.
Her loom is taken away.
She must weave all of Athene's clothing.
She is changed into a spider.

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