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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to the narrator, her family is disgraced when
they eat celery for the first time.
they sit stiffly in a row.
they shake their heads when offered the dip.
they carefully watch the other guests' behavior.

2.The narrator's father is fascinated by
polite phrases.
English verbs.

3.What is NOT an indication to the narrator that her family might become a normal American family?
Her mother buys her a pair of jeans.
Her father starts taking driving lessons.
Her brother makes the baseball team.
Her friend tries on her Chinese dresses.

4.The Chinese slurp their soup to show
their appreciation.
that they are full.
their displeasure.
that the soup is too hot.

5.What is a similarity between the narrator's first dinner invitation in America and the Gleason's experinces at the narrator's family's dinner party?
They feel very comfortable in an unusual sitation.
They serve the same food in the same way.
They only eat the foods they are familiar with.
They try their best to cope with unfamiliar ways.

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