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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Which of these did NOT help young Naomi learn what a poem is?
hearing her mother read to her
looking at books
drawing pictures
watching Carl Sandburg on TV

2.To what is Nye referring when she says, "Gravity interests me—where we feel it, how we feel it"?
her neighborhood in St. Louis
the ties that hold us to the places we have lived
amazement over everyday things
meeting her Palestinian grandmother when Nye was 14

3.What does Nye mean when she says she sometimes feels like a "drifting eye" when she travels?
She peeks into the lives of people in other countries.
She doesn't like to travel.
She looks at places without feeling overly attached to them.
She keeps moving, without stopping in any one place.

4.Why does Nye say she loves airports?
She can read and write well in them.
She hates being at home.
She writes poems about airplanes.
She can't write poems at home.

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