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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.The purpose of a survey is to
provide a list of rules for something.
collect information from a group of people.
explain how to perform an activity or process.
give informative technical instructions.

2.Why might a software company want to know how students use computers to do homework?
to understand what students like to do in their free time
to make better and more useful textbooks
to learn about students' after-school activities
to create and sell software that will meet students' needs

3.If you are a student at Brainwell Middle School, with whom can you share your password?
a faculty or staff member
your best friend
your parents
your lab partner

4.Which of these actions is allowed by the Brainwell computer use policy?
instant-messaging a friend about a party
copying software owned by the school that has a copyright
playing a game that helps you practice math skills
eating lunch while working at the computer

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