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Unit Skills Assessment


Which of the following statements is an opinion?

A.A memoir is a retelling of a time in a writer’s life.
B.Elizabeth Partridge grew up near San Francisco.
C.Her family was the happiest family in the entire city.
D.Partridge has written children’s books and historical fiction.


When you recognize an author’s bias, you

A.are able to prove that what the author says is true.
B.understand the author’s tendency to be for or against something.
C.draw conclusions about characters in a story’s plot.
D.understand the author’s hints about what will happen later.


Click on the letter of the phrase that means about the same as the underlined word.

Aisha’s family lived in prosperity when she was a young girl.

A.a state of poverty
B.a state of wealth or success
C.a state of happiness or contentment
D.a state of unhappiness or despair


When you evaluate an argument, you

A.judge how well a writer has supported a proposition or idea.
B.recognize that the title of a selection is clever and engaging.
C.look at how many paragraphs include the main idea of the selection.
D.use what you already know to understand what a writer is saying.


An implied theme is a message about life that is stated directly in the text.



The distinctive use of language that conveys an author’s personality is called author’s



When you make a generalization, you

A.use your life experiences and prior knowledge to predict what will happen.
B.use a number of facts to make a broad general statement.
C.use supporting details to determine whether an argument is reasonable.
D.use the author’s biography to interpret ideas in a selection.


Which of these strategies would you NOT use to monitor your comprehension?

A.Ask yourself questions.
B.Read aloud a section you don’t understand.
C.Summarize what you have read so far.
D.Read another text written by the same author.


Signal words that can help you recognize chronological text structure include

A.however, in contrast, and on the other hand.
B.first, then, next, and finally.
C.because, as a result of, and since.
D.on, in, under, and throughout.


A fable is a type of folktale that

A.teaches a lesson often called a moral.
B.teaches about kings and knights from long ago.
C.generally involves magic and the rule of three.
D.describes men and women as larger than life.

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