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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.A traditonal ode is about
a dignified or admired subject.
any topic that appeals to the poet.
a battle fought in a war.
a favorite pet.

2.What is one reason the cat loves the speaker of the poem?
The speaker rattles the bag of cat food.
The speaker dressed as a cat for Halloween.
The speaker saved the cat from a dog.
The speaker brushes the cat's fur.

3.When did the speaker of the poem first encounter the cat?
when he saw a dog chasing the cat down the street
when the cat was an abandoned kitten
when the cat was hunting with neighborhood cats
when the speaker's mother brought the cat home

4.What two things are being compared in these lines from the poem: "Or jump from the tree / Like a splash of / Milk"?
a tree and a milk-white cat
jumping from a tree and drinking milk
the white cat jumping and milk splashing
a cat lapping up milk and his owners lapping up love

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