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Unit Skills Assessment


A nonfiction account of a person’s life written by someone else is called

A.a personal essay.
B.a biography. autobiography.
D.a memoir.


When you analyze author’s tone, you think about how the writer’s

A.choice of language reveals his or her attitude toward a topic. background is revealed in the events of the selection. is revealed in his or her grammatical choices.
D.choice of time and place are described in the story.


Click on the letter of the group of words that means about the same as the underlined word.

People could easily see the politician’s indifference to those in need.

A.feelings of sympathy
B.close attention
C.attitude of criticism
D.lack of concern


Which of the following is NOT an example of closed form poetry?

B.hakiu verse
D.rhymed stanzas


Which strategy will best help you find an implied main idea?

A.Look at the first sentence of each paragraph.
B.Look at the last sentence of each paragraph.
C.Think about the title, headings, and pictures in the selection.
D.Think about the one key idea that the supporting details describe.


In a selection using third-person point of view, the narrator is the selection and refers to himself or herself as I. the selection and refers to himself or herself as he or she.
C.outside the selection and refers to himself or herself as I, me, or myself.
D.outside the selection and refers to those in the story as he, she, or they.


When you summarize what you have read, you

A.think about your own life experiences and knowledge.
B.briefly retell the main ideas of a selection in your own words.
C.go back to reread paragraphs that are unclear or confusing to you.
D.use clues in the text to identify ideas the author does not directly state.


What type of selection might best use a timeline as a text feature?

A.a science article that shows the causes and effects of tornados
B.a social studies article about the differences between deserts and mountains
C.a biography of a president that shows the important events in his life
D.a mathematics chapter that explains how to multiply fractions


When you evaluate description, you make a judgment about how well an author uses sensory language, imagery, similes, and metaphors to portray a person, place, object, or event in a selection.



Which of the following definitions describes an allusion?

A.a comparison using the words like or as
B.the giving of human characteristics to an animal or object
C.a traditional story that uses talking animals to teach a lesson
D.a reference to a character, place, or situation from history, music, or art

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