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Web Quest

From our families and friends, to the cashier at the grocery store and the teller at the bank, everyone we meet has a role in our lives. Some people wish us the best, and help us when they can. Others try to hold us back from achieving our dreams. Of course, life is more than just the people we meet. Animals, books, traditions, and activities also influence our lives.

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Poem Hunter (

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The above link will take you to a collection of poems about trust on the Poem Hunter Web site. At the bottom of the page, type the following poems into the “Search” box. Don't forget to change the drop-down box to “Poem Title.” Read the poems “To Me What Family Is,” “The Dog Running,” and “Journey of a Friendship.” Think about how these poets chose their subjects. Did any of the poems remind you of your own life?

Next, write a poem about a person, place, animal, or thing that you can count on. Don't forget to give your poem a title!

Here's an example of a poem for this exercise:


Different Friends for Different Times

When I want to talk about life
Its ups and downs
And trials and tribulations
I call Cheryl

When I feel the need to laugh
I can count on David
To relay a funny story
Or tell a joke or two

If I want a cup of tea
I meet up with Sheila
For comforting conversation
At our favorite coffee shop

When I need a boost
I talk to Cindy
Who cheers me up
And gives me good advice

I am lucky because
I have lots of people to turn to
When different times
Call for different friends

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