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Reading-Writing Connection Activities


from Rosa Parks: My Story

The excerpt from Rosa Parks: My Story is an autobiography. It is told from Rosa Parks's perspective. For this activity, divide your paper into three sections. In the first section, write a short paragraph describing the scene from the perspective of Rosa Parks. Imagine her feelings when the bus driver told her to leave her seat and her feelings when she was taken to City Hall in a police car. For example, your paragraph could begin with a sentence like this one: "I feel tired of being pushed around. I won't leave my seat no matter what."

In the second section, write a short paragraph from the perspective of one of the people who left his seat when the bus driver ordered him to. Finally, in the third section, write a short paragraph from the perspective of the bus driver.

When you are finished, share your three stories with a partner. Compare and contrast the ways that the two of you imagined the scene.

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