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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What did Victor promise himself at the beginning of the school year?
to do better in math
to have Teresa as his girl
to plan a trip to France
to learn Spanish better

2.Why did Victor’s friend Michael scowl?
He was not happy to be back in school.
He wanted girls to notice him.
Belinda Reyes had told him she liked that look.
His brother had told him it was the best way to get a girl friend.

3.In Victor's class schedule,
social studies was after lunch.
metal shop was after French.
he had a fifteen-minute break between English and math.
biology was before lunch.

4.When Mr. Bueller asked if anyone in the class knew French
Victor raised his hand and said he knew only a little.
Victor left the classroom quickly because everyone else knew French better than he did.
No one in the class raised a hand.
Victor raised his hand, and then the teacher spoke to him in French.

5.Why did Victor have to come back to the French classroom after he ran out quickly?
He was hoping to apologize to the teacher.
He was hoping Teresa would still be there.
He had left his math book behind.
He had left his metal shop materials behind.

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