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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.When the boy tried to steal the purse from Mrs. Jones,
he ran a bit before she caught him.
the strap broke, and he landed on his back.
his teeth were rattling.
she grabbed him by his shirt before he could get the purse.

2.What was the first thing Mrs. Jones noticed about Roger’s physical appearance?
His face was dirty.
His jeans were ripped.
His hair was messy.
His clothes were dirty.

3.Why did Roger say he tried to steal Mrs. Jones's purse?
He was hungry.
He was homeless.
He wanted new shoes.
He wanted to see what was inside.

4.When Mrs. Jones was behind the screen, getting supper,
Roger tried to leave the house.
Roger offered to run an errand for Mrs. Jones.
Roger stayed but tried to get out of Mrs. Jones’s sight.
Roger almost took her purse again.

5.At the end of the story,
Roger promises never to steal again.
Mrs. Jones tries to find Roger a home.
Mrs. Jones says to keep in contact with her.
Roger thanks Mrs. Jones.

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