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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Which of the following DOES NOT fit the description of the highwayman?
He had both pistols and a sword.
He wore boots up to his thighs.
He wore an English style hat.
He was wearing brown breeches and a velvet coat.

2.When the highwayman arrived at the inn at the beginning of the poem,
Bess was in the stable with the caretaker of the horses.
Bess was braiding her hair.
he saw the man in the stable and was angry with Bess.
Bess begged him not to leave.

3.What did King George's men do when they arrived at the old inn?
They shot the landlord.
They bound Bess to the foot of her bed.
They tied up the caretaker of the horses.
They bound and gagged the landlord and Bess.

4.When the highwayman heard the shot,
he thought the landlord had shot his daughter.
he rode even faster toward the old inn.
he knew Bess was probably dead.
he turned westward, not knowing it was Bess who had shot herself.

5.What seems to be the main reason Bess shot herself?
The highwayman had already been killed.
She wanted to warn the highwayman that the soldiers were there.
The soldiers were going to kill her anyway.
Her father had discovered her love for a robber.

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