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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What did the miller do with the first two hundred dollars that the men give to him?
He bought a piece of meat and some supplies.
He gave it to a hawk.
He gambled with it.
He hid it in a jar of bran.

2.Where did the miller hide the second two hundred dollars that the men give to him?
in a pouch that is later stolen by a hawk
in a jar of bran
in the sea
under a table

3.How much money did the jeweler give the miller for his diamond?
two hundred dollars
four hundred dollars
fifty dollars
one hundred thousand dollars

4.What did the miller do with the money he received for the diamond?
He built his own mill and a vacation home for his family.
He repayed the two men who gave him money to settle their argument.
He treated the jeweler and his wife to a grand feast.
He gave it to the poor.

5.Where did the miller and his friends find the money stolen by the hawk?
in a jar of bran
in the stables of the miller's vacation home
in the stomach of a giant fish
in a nest at the top of a tall pine tree

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