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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why did Brer Rabbit start to run?
 because he was frightened of running into Brer Lion
 because a big wind arose and he was frightened that a tree might fall on him
 because he was being chased by a hunter
 because he hoped to run into Brer Lion in the woods

2.What reason did Brer Rabbit give to Brer Lion for his running?
He said that he was afraid of the wind.
He said that he had hoped to find Brer Lion in the woods.
He did not give Brer Lion a reason.
He said that there was a hurricane coming.

3.What did Brer Rabbit convince Brer Lion to let him do?
He convinced Brer Lion to let him tie him to a tree.
He convinced Brer Lion that the trees of the forest were going to fall.
He convinced Brer Lion to lie close to the ground.
He convinced Brer Lion that there was nothing to fear.

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