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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.The person telling the story
had never met his grandfather.
was named after his grandfather.
was born in New York.
had never been to a Nursing Home.

2.What was Arturo's grandfather doing when Arturo walked into his room?
sleeping with a pencil and pad of paper in his hand
sitting in the vinyl chair next to his bed
sitting up in bed writing in a notebook with a pencil
lying down and looking out the window, smiling

3.What happened when Arturo's grandfather wrote to the governor to see if he could remain a teacher instead of going into the army?
The governor replied that it was not possible.
The governor did not reply to his letter.
The letter was returned to Arturo's grandfather unopened.
The governor asked him to teach in the army.

4.When Arturo's grandfather returned to the Island after the war
he became a farmer and got married.
he became a schoolteacher.
he taught his brothers how to read and write.
his parents had both died.

5.What did the woman in the pink jogging suit ask Arturo's grandfather to do?
She asked him to read Asi es la vida to the others in the rec room.
She asked him to do a poetry reading.
She asked him to read a story to her.
She asked him to write a poem for her.

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