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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What did Laurie wear the day he started kindergarten?
corduroy overalls
a jean jacket
a t-shirt and khakis
blue jeans and a belt

2.According to Laurie, why did Charles hit the teacher on the second day of school?
She made him stand in the corner.
She tried to make him color with red crayons.
She tried to make him write with a pen.
She made him sit next to a girl he did not like.

3.On Monday, when Laurie came home late, what had happened to Charles?
He was deprived of blackboard privileges.
He had to stay inside during recess.
He had to stay after school.
He had to write an apology note to the teacher.

4.Why did Laurie's mom miss the first Parent-Teachers meeting?
The baby had a cold.
She was sick.
She had to take care of the neighbor's children.
She had to work late that night.

5.When the mom mentioned that Charles may have been influencing Laurie's behavior, why was the teacher surprised?
She didn't know Laurie was friends with Charles.
Charles and Laurie did not seem to like each other.
There was no Charles in the kindergarten class.
Charles had not had any behavior problems.

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