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Reading-Writing Connection Activities


Slam, Dunk, & Hook

In “Slam, Dunk, & Hook,” Yusef Komunyakaa describes a group of young basketball players with details such as “Bug-eyed, lanky” and “Glistening with sweat.” These details help readers picture the basketball players. The image of these players is made even more vivid by the use of verbs such as “corkscrew,” “Double-flashing,” and “Dribble, drive… & glide like a sparrow hawk.” These verbs help readers to see the basketball players in motion.

Write a poem describing a group to which you belong. You might write about a sports team, the drama club, or a volunteer organization. Pick a specific event to write about, such as the opening night of a play or the afternoon of a volunteer trash pick up. Try to describe the members of your group as they appeared at the event. Use verbs to put the people you describe in motion.

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