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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What two things does the poet compare to life without dreams?
bugs and daisies
the sky and the snow
a boy and a girl without parents
a broken-wing bird and a barren field

2.Which words rhyme?
"dreams" and "die" from lines 1 and 2 respectively
"dreams" and "field" from lines 5 and 7 respectively
"dreams" and "bird" from lines 1 and 3 respectively and "field" and "snow" from lines 7 and 8 respectively
"die" and "fly" from lines 2 and 4 respectively and "go" and "snow" from lines 6 and 8 respectively

3.What does the poet want his reader to do?
to grow up
believe in his or her dreams
let his dreams go and be realistic
swim like a fish

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