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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What is one reason that John Yinger gives for removing the natural-born-citizen clause?
There is already an amendment that protects the right of foreign-born citizens to run for office.
This clause violates a central principle of American democracy.
It infringes on the rights of women.
The Founding Fathers did not include the clause when they wrote the Constitution.

2.How have the 14th, 15th, and 19th amendments changed the Constitution?
They have limited the natural-born clause.
They have made sure only loyal citizens can run for President.
They have prevented people from buying their way into the presidency.
They have added protections for women and ethnic and racial minorities.

3.What does the Constitution rely on to keep disloyal people from being elected President?
voting rights and the judgment of the American people
the 14h and 15th amendments
voting rights and the decisions of Congress
the rights of the natural-born citizen running for office

4.What is one of the legal conditions for becoming an American citizen that Spalding discusses in his article?
taking an oath to renounce allegiance and fidelity to other nations
voting in the Presidential election
taking an oath to remain in the United States
having to live in the United States for at least 10 years

5.Why does Spalding think that a constitutional amendment to remove the natural-born clause should not be pursued?
There are already too many amendments to the Constitution.
There is no current threat to national security.
There is not broad-based support among the American people.
There would be a break in American relations with other nations.

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