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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to the author, what was Marco Polo probably the first European to describe?
a source of petroleum
a source of salt

2.Marco had to watch for _______ and sought to steal from travelers.
bandits who prowled the countryside
sailors who charged far too much for their services
wandering peasants who offered food
spice traders who cut sharp deals

3.As they crossed the desert, what did Marco and his companions use to build fires?
wood brought from Italy
camel skins
dry camel dung

4.What is a "serf"?
a kind of camel
a bandit
someone who works on land owned by somebody else
someone who trades spices from India

5.What did Marco think was the highest place in the world?
"the ruins of Balkh"
"the towering mountains of Hindu Kush"
"a town called Lop"
the "Kunlun mountain range"

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