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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.How did Nicholas feel when he first met his father?
He felt sorry for him.
He felt resentful.
He felt happy to finally meet him.
He felt secure now that he had a father.

2.Which of the following events occurred first?
Nicholas followed a pretty girl to the room for the newspaper club.
Nicholas entered Chandler Junior High.
Nicholas met Marjorie Hurd.
Nicholas started seventh grade.

3.After Nicholas wrote for the first time about what happened to his family in Greece all of the following occurred EXCEPT
he was embarrassed when the essay was published in the school newspaper.
Miss Hurd sent the essay to a contest in Pennsylvania.
Miss Hurd asked him to read it to the whole class.
the Worcester paper wrote about his winning an award for the essay.

4.For what article did Nicholas win the Hearst Award for College Journalism?
an article about his mother
an article about Greece
an article about President John F. Kennedy
an article about a friend who had died in the Philippines

5.What was the last assignment Marjorie Hurd Rabidou gave to Nicholas?
to write his father’s story
to write the eulogy for her funeral
to write the story of his mother’s life and death
to write about his life when he came to the United States

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