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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.The author describes Hollywood as "a place where dreams and nightmares __________."
can live in perfect harmony
can often take the same shape
can rise from the tar pits
are so much the same

2.What nickname was the author given at the Meglin Kiddie Dance Studio?
"the Asian Shirley Temple"
"the cutest kid in Hollywood"
"the Chinese Shirley Temple"
"the best of the best of the best"

3.To what kind of animals do many of the bones in the La Brea Tar Pits belong?
ancient juvenile mammals
bald eagles
stray dogs

4.What was the name of the sister act that the author and her sister performed?
"The World Famous Lee Sisters"
"The New Shirley Temples"
"Cherylene Lee and Company"
"The Dancers of the Tar Pits"

5.Why do most of the remains in the Tar Pits belong to carnivorous animals?
Carnivores liked the heat that rose from the Tar Pits.
Carnivores were drawn to the watering hole that became the Tar Pits because weaker animals were trapped there.
Carnivores were drawn to the watering hole that became the Tar Pits because they were more thirsty than the plant-eating animals.
The skeletons of carnivores have lasted longer.

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