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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.To whom did Merlin give the baby Arthur?
King Uther
King Pendragon
Sir Ector and his lady

2.What is a "broadsword"?
a narrow sword used for thrusting
a sword with a broad, flat blade
a pocketknife
a kind of throne

3.What was written on the sword in the stone?
"Whoso leaveth this sword in this stone is cursed"
"Whoso pulleth out the sword from this stone is born the son of Uther"
"Whoso pulleth out the sword from this stone is born the rightful King of England"
"Whoso pulleth out the sword is blessed forevermore"

4.What happened when Kay put the sword back into the stone?
He could not pull it out again.
He pulled it out again and became the King of England.
The sword disappeared.
The sword flew into Arthur's hands.

5.What is the "pommel" of a sword?
The pommel is the knob on the handle of a sword.
The pommel is the sharp edge of a sword.
The pommel is a guard for the hand on the end of a sword.
The pommel is a jewel on the end of a sword.

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