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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Even though they have most 21st century conveniences, why is it different for the Bailis family?
They have to be in frequent contact with the power company.
They can use their appliances only during the day.
They have to replace fuses more often than most people.
They have to plan the use of their appliances carefully.

2.What does the Bailis family do for power when there is no sun or no wind?
They rely on water power.
They use the propane generator in the back.
The power company provides electricity for a short time.
They try to do without appliances until the sun and/or wind returns.

3.When the Bailises first moved into their house,
cold air leaked in through the windows.
the solar panels on the roof were not placed correctly.
the inverter often shut down.
they used mostly gas lanterns for lighting.

4.Where did Beth see evidence of her son Max connecting with nature?
in his love for riding in the snow on the snowmobile
in the way he was conscious of the weather and when he could use appliances
in self-portraits and family sketches which included the mountain range
in the way he talked to his classmates about his unique lifestyle

5.For the Bailis family, where do "traffic" sounds often come from?
the snowmobiles around the area
a herd of elk
the mountain lions in the back of the house
the helicopters flying over, signaling to each other

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