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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What is the setting of The Miraculous Eclipse?
Hartford, Connecticut
Chicago, Illinois
Medieval England
Dublin, Ireland

2.What causes Hank Morgan to jump back into the sixth century?
a time machine
a blow to the head
a newfangled engine Hank built in his shop
a ride in a barrel

3.What year does Hank Morgan find himself in?
638 BC
1000 BC

4.Why does Sir Kay want to have Hank executed?
because Hank said he didn't believe in magic
becuase Hank insulted him
because Hank is a barbarian
because he says so

5.What does Hank demand from King Arthur in exchange for not destroying the sun?
Hank demands that Merlin be banished from England.
Hank demands to be named Arthur's perpetual minister.
Hank demands that he be given all of the Arthur's treasure.
Hank demands that Clarence be named a prince.

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