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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.When the electricity, phones, radios, and mowers went dead, why did Pete Van Horn go to Floral Street?
He wanted to see if they had power on that street.
He was checking to see if the meteor had landed there.
He wanted to make sure no one had been hurt there.
He went to check if anyone was home there.

2.According to Tommy, how did the creatures from outer space prepare things for landing?
They sent invisible monsters ahead of them.
They sent four people that looked like humans but weren't.
They tried to start fires after making all the power go out.
They set up walls around the town.

3.What was the first thing that made people suspicious of Les Goodman?
His phone was still working.
They could hear the radio coming from his house.
His car started up right away when he turned the key.
His car started by itself.

4.What happened when Les Goodman was standing on his porch?
The light suddenly went out.
The car suddenly turned off.
The crowd rushed on to the porch to capture him.
The crowd heard another meteor right over his house.

5.How did Les Goodman defend himself when the woman told what she had seen him doing early in the morning?
He said he liked to look up at the stars at night.
He said he had been hearing strange noises overhead.
He said he had insomnia.
He said his house had been broken into.

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