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Selection Quizzes (English)

Note: This quiz covers more than one selection.

1.How are frogs different from humans with regard to water?
Frogs need to live in bodies of water.
Frogs can drink only mountain water.
Frogs absorb water instead of drinking it.
Frogs seldom need water to live.

2.What makes water vapor rise?
cold temperatures
heat from the sun
the mountains
cloud formations

3.Why is the forest floor in Monteverde drier than it once was?
The mountains are eroding.
The air temperature is decreasing.
Homes have built up in the area, using up the water supply.
Clouds are forming higher in the sky and not in the mountains.

4.What do most scientists believe is causing global warming in many places on the Earth?
a lack of carbon dioxide
people using too much fuel
the changing rotation of the earth around the sun
the decreasing plant population

5.In the poem, why does the man keep stopping the car?
He does not like that they are using so much fuel.
He wants to feel the cool rain outside.
He is trying to save the toads he sees along the way.
He is letting the toads out into puddles of water.

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