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Unit Skills Assessment


The plot of a story, novel, or play usually begins with an exposition because

A.the exposition reveals the most suspenseful part of the story.
B.the exposition adds complication to the story as suspense builds.
C.the exposition reveals the outcome of the conflict or plot events.
D.the exposition introduces the characters, setting, and story situation.


Acts and scenes are important in a play because they

A.provide structure and a chance for the setting to change.
B.tell viewers or readers what inferences about setting can be made.
C.provide viewers or readers with a sense of suspense.
D.tell viewers or readers the main message the writer wants to convey.


Click on the letter of the phrase that means about the same as the underlined word.

As Jason surveyed the empty room, he was filled with foreboding.

A.a relaxed feeling energetic feeling
C.a bad feeling
D.a hostile feeling


Which of the following is NOT true about stage directions?

A.They can describe characters, sets, costumes, and lighting.
B.They appear in italics set off by brackets.
C.They give readers insight into visual aspects of setting.
D.They tell readers what implied themes are addressed in an act.


When you make a generalization, you use a number of pieces of information to make a guess about what will happen later in the text.



Which of the following is an example of a theme?

A.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
B.After their conflict was resolved, the brothers grew closer together.
C.It is never a good idea to lie to those who have authority over you.
D.As she floated into the room, she was Cleopatra on the Nile.


Dialogue between characters in a literary work can help reveal the plot of a story.



The protagonist is the

A.person who has written the literary work.
B.central character in the literary work.
C.the person who works against the central character.
D.person outside the story who is the narrator of events.


When you analyze characterization, you

A.think critically about the ways a writer develops the personality of characters.
B.visualize the ways a playwright describes how characters affect the setting.
C.look at the way a playwright builds suspense through what is not directly said.
D.look at the clues a playwright provides to foreshadow what will happen later.


When you ask questions about a text, you might ask yourself whether specific information is important as well as whether you understand what you have read.


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