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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Which NFL team does Vince Young play for?
Minnesota Vikings
Texas Longhorns
Philadelphia Eagles
Tennessee Titans

2.What does Young consider his "wake-up call"?
A serious injury caused by riding his bike without a helmet
An arrest for fighting at school
His mother's warning that he could end up in jail or dead
Finding a father figure in his football coach

3.Young's mom's decision to ____ had a large impact on Young's life.
rejoin her old church
move to a different state
get remarried
go back to school

4.Young's advice to kids includes all of the following EXCEPT:
Stay in school
Be competitive
Work hard
Be respectful

5.What does Young's former coach say will help make Young one of the "great ones to ever play"?
the support of his mother and his fans
his ability to stay healthy
his youth and energy
his ability to overcome his troubled past

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