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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.From the context, what does the phrase "when Cooney died at first" in line three mean?
when Cooney perished at first
when Cooney was the first to die
when Cooney was out at first base
when Cooney was playing first base

2.Why does the crowd experience a "grim melancholy" (line 11) when Flynn and Blake are up to bat?
Both are poor hitters, so it is unlikely that Casey will get to bat.
Flynn and Blake are members of the opposing team.
Flynn and Blake have never hit homeruns in their careers.
Casey despises both of these players.

3.What is the "leather-covered sphere" in line 29?
a baseball glove
a baseball bat
a baseball
the umpire's expression

4.Why does the crowd yell "Fraud!" while Casey is at bat?
The crowd thinks that Casey is fake and pathetic.
The crowd thinks that the umpire is making bad calls.
The crowd thinks that the pitcher and the umpire and in cahoots.
The crowd thinks that Casey is a remarkable player.

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