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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Who is Auguste Dupin?
A Frenchman that Poe met at a literary society meeting.
A French detective on whose adventures Poe based one of his stories.
A detective with an analytical mind that appears in Poe's "The Murders in the Rue Morgue."
An interesting character who is a companion of Sherlock Holmes's Watson.

2.Why was it difficult for the Poe family to properly care for the ailing Virginia?
Virginia was an invalid.
The Poe family had little money and lived in cramped quarters.
Poe went on frequent drinking binges.
Poe was too busy writing tales of murderous rage.

3.Why did the magazine Pioneer fail after three issues?
James Russell Lowell decided he wanted to be a poet instead of a publisher.
There was a power struggle between Poe and Lowell.
Poe was broke.
The magazine could not stay afloat amidst the sea of competitors.

4.What is the "lyceum system"?
a system by which public speakers were paid to lecture in front of large groups
a religious meeting in which public speakers instructed an audience.
a system by which someone could learn public speaking skills
a sort of traveling circus of public entertainers

5.According to Meltzer, which of the following did Poe NOT do when lecturing at a lyceum?
criticize his rivals
gossip about infighting in the literary world
talk about the function of criticism
recite his poetry

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