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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why is Swift Runner scorned by his tribe?
He is unkempt and is thought to be lazy and weak.
He does not live in a longhouse.
He is much smaller than the rest of the boys.
His mother and father have been banished from the tribe.

2.What does Swift Runner's grandmother reveal to him once he has accepted the wampum?
She reveals that Swift Runner's father had been a great warrior.
She reveals that she was once the most powerful woman in the tribe.
She reveals that she has been holding on to a magical bow for Swift Runner.
She reveals that she too once battled a monster bear.

3.How does Swift Runner know what to say to the monster bear when he first encounters it?
He learns the phrase from his grandmother.
He learns the phrase from a book.
He learns the phrase in a dream.
He learns the phrase from the tribal elders.

4.How does the Nyagwahe try to trick Swift Runner when the boy finally catches up with him?
The Nyagwahe convinces Swift Runner to take his worthless teeth.
The Nyagwahe pretends to be weak and then attacks Swift Runner.
The Nyagwahe tells the boy to shoot for the heart even though its only weak spot is the sole of its foot.
The Nyagwahe changes forms and tries to convince Swift Runner that he is not evil.

5.What had happened to the search parties that went out to look for the lost young men?
They had been killed by the Onondaga.
They had been eaten by the Nyagwahe.
They eventually had found the young men.
They too had become lost in the woods.

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