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Selection Quizzes (English)


In this poem, “going to the beach” is a metaphor for

driving on the highway.
being very young.
fleeing the country.
admiring a store window.


The speaker knew that “something was off,” but she didn’t understand what it was because

the family went to the beach every Sunday.
her mother allowed the sisters one toy apiece.
she was marveling at the wonders of her new country.
she was young and didn’t think adult things could go wrong.


What does the speaker say that her family saw in a store window in New York City?

a scene from her home country
wonders such as escalators and elevators
a man in a hat and a three-piece suit
a family all outfitted for the beach


Which best describes the way the family feels in their new country?

eager but afraid, and not sure of what will happen to them
very lucky to see the many marvels of New York City
confident, like the image of the family in the store window
like sandcastles no wave could ever topple

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