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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Who buys the land from the old man?
Senator Catron
Don Anselmo

2.Why does the narrator first argue with Don Anselmo?
Don Anselmo wants only 1200 dollars for his land, even though the Americans are offering 2400 dollars.
Don Anselmo at first refuses to sell his land to the Americans.
The narrator wants to make ten percent of the sale for acting as a negotiator, but Don Anselmo refuses.
Don Anselmo is trying to cheat the narrator.

3.Why are the Americans dissatisfied once they purchase the property?
Children are destroying their property.
Children come every day and play under the trees.
Children hurl insults at them.
Children force them to teach them English.

4.Why does Don Anselmo refuse to stop the children from climbing the trees?
Don Anselmo claims that he does not know any of the children.
Don Anselmo is hard of hearing.
Don Anselmo has sent the children to destroy the Americans' property.
According to Don Anselmo, the trees belong to the children.

5.How is the problem of the children overrunning the Americans' property eventually resolved?
The children destroy the Americans' home.
The Americans erect a fence.
The Americans pay every family for their respective trees.
The Americans uproot the trees and transplant them.

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