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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Who are the "architects of our republic"?
Lincoln and his cabinet
the French and English colonists
the founding fathers
the first enslaved peoples in America

2.What does King mean when he says that African Americans have been given a "bad check"?
America has interrogated African Americans as if they were criminals.
America has failed to extend equal rights to African Americans despite the promises made.
African Americans are not receiving the monetary rewards that they deserve.
African Americans are not receiving adequate health care.

3.What does King believe about protest turning into violence?
King agrees that violence is necessary.
King sees violence and protest as intertwined.
King believes that protesters should use violence only if their message is not being heard.
King does not believe that creative protest should turn into violence.

4.What does King mean when he says "I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations"?
I know that some of you have experienced much hardship.
I know that some of you have gone on trial.
I know that some of you spent a long time thinking about this event.
I know that some of you have been beaten by the police.

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