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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why didn't newspaper publishers write about the problem of child labor in Pennsylvania?
The governor had prohibited them from writing about it.
They thought there were other more important problems.
The mill owners owned stock in the newspapers, so they had an influence over them.
The newspaper publishers also had children working for them.

2.What gave Mother Jones the idea of the Mill March?
She had read how they did something similar in another country.
She knew the liberty bell was on a national tour and drew big crowds.
A group of families who worked at the mill gave her the idea.
She remembered how musicians traveled around the country and got national attention.

3.Why did Mother Jones bring along costumes, makeup, and jewelry on the march?
She wanted to keep the children busy, so they would not quit the march.
She wanted the children to put on plays along the way about the difficulties of the textile workers.
She wanted to be able to disguise the children in case people threatened violence along the way.
They were planning to perform for the president if he agreed to meet with them.

4.Why did some of the parents who had joined the march begin to complain about Mother Jones?
They thought she was not really planning to make it all the way to the president.
The trip was a lot longer than she had originally told them.
They thought she wanted attention only for herself, not for the cause of the children.
They thought she did not bring enough provisions.

5.In the end, how did the president respond to Mother Jones and the march?
He admired their courage and had a meeting with them.
He wrote a letter back to Mother Jones saying he would begin to try and remedy the problem.
He sent a message through his secretary that he thought the problem should be solved at the state level.
He had the newspapers print a negative article about Mother Jones and the Mill March.

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