Street Law: A Course in Practical Law

Chapter 12: Criminal Justice Process: The Investigation

Student Self-Assessment Quizzes

Police do not need to have any level of suspicion to
A)make an arrest.
B)stop individuals for a reasonable time.
C)order individuals to empty their pockets.
D)go up to people on the street and speak to them.
A court order commanding a person to be taken into custody is a(n)
A)search warrant.
B)writ of habeas corpus.
C)arrest warrant.
If law enforcement have a reasonable suspicion that a person is engaged in criminal activity, the officer may
A)pat down the person for weapons.
B)stop and question the person.
C)arrest the person.
D)search the person.
Law enforcement may use deadly force during a felony arrest when the suspect
A)resists arrest.
B)attempts to escape.
C)attempts to escape and presents a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm.
D)has a history of escape attempts.
A search conducted by a _____ is not covered by the Fourth Amendment.
B)public school teacher
C)police officer
D)probation officer
If unreasonable searches turn up evidence of crimes, the evidence cannot be used
A)in any court proceeding.
B)at trial to prove the person guilty.
C)to impeach the defendant.
D)to revoke the person's parole.
A search warrant
A)is required for every search conducted by law enforcement.
B)is issued by a police supervisor.
C)must describe the particular persons and places to be searched.
D)is good for two years.
Police find Deborah unconscious on the street and open her purse to find out who she is. They find illegal drugs, which are
A)admissible under the emergency situation exception to the warrant requirement.
B)inadmissible because the officers lacked a search warrant.
C)admissible under the hot pursuit exception to the warrant requirement.
D)inadmissible because there was no probable cause to open the purse.
To search the backpack of a student in a public school, school administrators must have
A)probable cause that a crime or school rule violation has been committed.
B)reasonable suspicion that a crime or school rule violation has been committed.
C)a search warrant.
D)a reliable informant.
Failure to give Miranda warnings means that
A)the arrest is unlawful.
B)charges must be dropped against the defendant.
C)the defendant cannot be questioned.
D)statements made by defendants cannot be used against them at trial.
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