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Directions: Retype the following passages, proofreading for errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and usage.

1.Mohandas Gandhi was one of Indias most popular leaders. A Lawyer by trade, he left practicing law to fight personally for his peoples' rites against their British rulers. Deep comitted to nonviolence Gandhi was determined to win India's freedom by avoiding confrontation.

2.Over the years he developed a code of action knowed today as civil disobedience. Gandhi's code called for nonviolent noncooperation to acheive independance. Whenever armed British solders came to enforce the ocupying government's laws, Gandhi urged his people not to fight. Instead, they stood still, refusing to move back or forward and refusing to give into the soldiers. Unwilling to shoot into the un-armed crowd, the British usually re-treated. However in the massacre of Amritsar, British soldiers killed almost four hundred of Gandhi's followers.

3.Gandhi and his followers knew that nonviolent protests could lead to imprisonment and even death, but they remained loyal to the independence movement until great Britain granted the independance of India and Pakistan in 1947.

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