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Star Wars

Back in 1977, George Lucas made the well-received movie Star Wars using cutting-edge special effects and visual designs. Roger Ebert, the famous movie critic from the Chicago Sun Times, reviewed a newly re-released print of the film, which included reworked special effects and deleted scenes.

Destination: "Roger Ebert's Great Movies"
Chicago Sun Times
Star Wars
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Click on the link above. In the search box on the left-hand side of the page, type "Star Wars." Click on "Star Wars (1999)" to access the text of the movie review. Then, answer the following questions.

1.According to Ebert, what other two films became "technical watersheds" of their era? In what ways are each of these films innovative?

2.Using the review, discuss the elements of visual design incorporated in the movies first moments, and explain the effect or mood that the design created.

3.What are two examples of effective art design, set decoration, or special effects mentioned in the review?

4.What do you think is Ebert's purpose in writing this review, and what is your reaction to the review?

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