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Short answer

Directions: The sentences below are written in the passive voice. Rewrite each sentence in the active voice; however, when the use of the passive voice is appropriate, write correct.

SampleA quirk of the brain is shared by ten people in a million.
RevisionTen people in a million share a quirk of the brain.

1.Five senses—sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch—are experienced by most of us.

2.For a few people, those five senses are tangled together.

3.Shapes are heard by some of them.

4.Colors are tasted by others.

5.This quirk of the brain is perceived differently by different people.

6.It is called synesthesia.

7."Sensing together" is meant by synesthesia, a combination of the Greek words syn (together) and aisthesis (sensation).

8.In people with synesthesia, one sense is triggered by another.

9.Synesthesia has been lived with by many creative people.

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