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Multiple Choice

Directions: Some words have several related definitions listed within a single dictionary entry. Read the sentences below; then, select the correct definition of the boldfaced vocabulary word.

1.After climbing the face of Mt. Coria and rappelling down the back side, Gretchen felt invincible.
intensely excited
incapable of being overcome
worthy of imitation
liable to change

2.William Randolph Hearst was once considered eccentric because of his collection of wild animals.
concerned with the ordinary and practical
being the only one of its kind
departing from an established norm
having great stature or enormous strength

3.The book about Pacific cultures will disillusion Mary, who had hoped to find unsophisticated groups untouched by the West.
deprive of a false or erroneous belief
establish exact limits for
make cross or discontented
cause to have a prejudiced view

4.In order to be a successful entertainer, a person should have a dynamic personality.
nervous and impatient
marked by intensity and vigor
difficult to understand
lacking in discipline

5.Historian Barbara Tuchman is esteemed for both her scholarship and her writing style.
called attention to boastfully
accused with evil intent
regarded with respect
set forth for consideration

6.The tourists were naive, believing that there were bargains still to be found in London flea markets.
showing resourcefulness in difficult situations
lacking experience or judgment
lacking social grace
recklessly wasteful

7.Despite his addiction to video games, Steve maintained a temperate diet and a regular exercise schedule.
involving moderation and self-restraint
designed to shock or thrill
marked by eagerness
without exception or qualification

8.She was considered a violin virtuoso at a very young age.
eccentric player
convincing performer
hesistant performer
excellent performer

9.Craig tried his best to manipulate the system so that he would be pitted against the weakest golfers, but his attempts were soon discovered.
seize by force or authority
subject to uniformity
tamper with for personal gain
substitute for another

10.Wendy was such an impressionable young woman that she tended to believe anything she was told.
modest and reserved in manner and behavior
easily influenced or convinced
moodily introspective
having no imperfections

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