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Language Arts

Short answer

Directions: Combine each cluster of numbered items into one or more than one sentences. Answers may vary.


Item One:

  1. She walked down the street.
  2. She seemed to be strutting.
  3. She had just won a tennis match.
  4. She was victorious.


Item Two:

  1. The dogs chased Frisbees.
  2. The dogs were in the park.
  3. There were three dogs.
  4. The dogs played together.


Item Three:

  1. The computer is red.
  2. The laptop computer belongs to Katie.
  3. Katie plays games on the computer.
  4. Katie enjoys playing online games.


Item Four:

  1. Mason writes lyrics and music.
  2. Mason sings songs he wrote.
  3. He plays a blue guitar when he sings.
  4. His songs are original.

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