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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between Tom Walker and his wife?
A.a partnership based on trust marked by conflict and mistrust marked by cooperation and deep respect
D.a business arrangement

2.What did Tom Walker observe on the trees surrounding the old Indian fort?
A.the names of great men from the colony
B.the names of Indian chiefs who had been murdered
C.the faces of Tom and his wife
D.symbols of the devil

3.Why was Tom especially upset about the disappearance of his wife?
A.Tom could not survive without the help of his wife.
B.She had taken their only horse.
C.He deeply loved his wife and missed her presence.
D.She disappeared with household valuables.

4.What type of business did Tom Walker establish in Boston?
A.He became an usurer, lending money at very high interest rates.
B.He outfitted ships for the slave trade.
C.He opened a real estate agency, buying land on speculation.
D.He helped banks repossess the properties of people who did not repay their loans.

5.How did Tom plan to break his deal with the devil?
A.He gave away all his money to those in need.
B.He tried to renegotiate the original deal.
C.He became a very religious man.
D.He became a recluse, never venturing outside his office.

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