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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What had several members of the committee suggested doing?
A.force Mr. Oakhurst to repay all those he had defeated in gambling
B.hang Mr. Oakhurst as an example
C.nominate Mr. Oakhurst for the sheriff of Poker Flat
D.cheat Mr. Oakhurst in a game of cards

2.To where did the outcasts intend to go?
A.back to Poker Flat
B.a hideout in the mountains a nearby mining camp Sandy Bar

3.What did Mr. Oakhurst give to Tom Simson?
A.He gave back the money he had previously won from him.
B.He gave Simson his horse, Five-Spot.
C.He gave him what was left of the liquor.
D.He gave him supplies to help him get to Poker Flat.

4.What story did Simson tell while sitting around the campfire?
A.the story of his family's history
B.the story of Samson and Delilah
C.Homer's the Iliad
D.the story of how he and Piney ran away from Sandy Bar

5.What happened to Mr. Oakhurst?
A.He froze to death waiting for Simson to return.
B.He committed suicide by shooting himself.
C.He died while trying to reach Sandy Bar.
D.He fell off a cliff while tracking Uncle Billy.

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