Music: An Appreciation, 10th Edition (Kamien)

Chapter 1: Rock Styles

Web Exercises

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Need we say more? Information on the Rock and Roll Hall of fame, and related web resources, can be found at this site.

History of Rock

An online history of Rock, from the 50s until 1963. Comprehensive thematic coverage, with focus on specific artists included as well. Site includes links to Real Audio File samples.

VH1 Behind the Music

Access to the website for the TV production providing rockmenataries on key artists in the genre can be found here.

Using the websites provided above, answer the following questions.

How have TV, radio and the net influenced the popularity of Rock and Roll?
In your opinion, has Rock and Roll contributed to, or inhibited, cultural diversity? Defend your answer, citing examples in the US and abroad.
Give examples of crossovers.
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