The Western Experience, 10th Edition (Chambers)

Chapter 25: Nineteenth-Century Empires

Problems for Analysis

I. The Birth of the Liberal Empire

How did Enlightenment thought affect colonial rule? Why was Enlightenment thought alone not enough to bring about the abolishment of slavery?
How did the ideas of cultural relativism change the dominant view of the European role as colonizer?

II. European Expansion in the Mid-Century

What effect did British imperialism have on the Indian economy and culture? How did British domination in India affect the overall British colonial empire?
Why was Japan able to escape European rule in 19th-century Asia? What evolution in leadership and society did Japan undergo during this period?

III. The New Imperialism, 1870-1914

How did the phenomenon of nationalism contribute to the new imperialism? How did this new conception of nationalism differ from its previous incarnation?
What set off the scramble for Africa? What effect did this competition have on the slave trade?

IV. Imperialism at Its Peak

What did Europeans consider as essential to the task of colonial rule? What major economic transformations were triggered by explicit colonial rule?
What were the main arguments of the critics of Empire? What kind of effect, if any, did they have on the actual practice of colonialism and management of the colonial empires?
Chambers, The Western Experience, 10th Edition
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