The Western Experience, 10th Edition (Chambers)

Chapter 30: Europe in the Global Era

Problems for Analysis

I. The Fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc

What were the early signs of failure of the Soviet model?
How do you explain the fall of communism in 1989 and 1990?
What has been the significance of this fall of communism in recent years?

II. Transnational Europe

What were the major early obstacles to European integration? How were those obstacles overcome?
How smooth has the process of expansion of the European Union to new member states been? What problems has it caused?
What is meant by "postindustrial economy"? To what degree have European states achieved this?

III. Postcolonial Europe

How have the patterns of global migration into Europe changed since WWII? What factors have driven immigration during this period?
What developments indicate that Europe's culture and intellectual life during the past thirty years has remained creative and productive?
How has Europe reacted politically to increased immigration? What is the current EU policy toward immigration, compared with Europe after WWII?

IV. Europe in the Global Era

How has Europe reacted to the problem of international terrorism when compared to the U.S.? What are the similarities in response between the two regions?
How have governments attempted to deal with problems accompanying economic growth over the past thirty years?
How has the concept of citizenship in Europe changed over the last twenty years? Where does it excel and where does it need reform?
Chambers, The Western Experience, 10th Edition
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