The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View, 1st Edition (King)

Chapter 12: Social Psychology

Multiple Choice Quiz

Assuming that the reason a person is obese is because he or she has no willpower is an example of
A)a self-fulfilling prophecy.
B)the fundamental attribution error.
C)a stereotype.
D)stereotype threat.
Tom is surprised to find that not all of his friends think about affirmative action in the same way he does. Tom's surprise can be explained by
A)the false consensus effect.
B)self-serving bias.
D)the fundamental attribution error.
Which of the following statements is most correct?
A)The fundamental attribution error is unrelated to stereotypes, while self-serving bias is related to stereotypes.
B)The fundamental attribution error is focused on others, while self-serving bias is focused on the self.
C)The fundamental attribution error attributes successes to internal causes, while self-serving bias attributes successes to external causes.
D)The fundamental attribution error does not take into account all available information, while self-serving bias does.
A woman is concerned that if she does poorly on a math exam, she will confirm the stereotype that women are not good at math. What is likely to happen and why?
A)She will do poorly on the exam because of stereotype threat.
B)She will do well on the exam because of stereotype threat.
C)She will do poorly on the exam because of the self-fulfilling prophecy.
D)She will do well on the exam because of the self-fulfilling prophecy.
Tori did well on her first exam in psychology. She congratulated herself for studying hard and being naturally gifted. When she failed her second exam, she became angry at the professor for creating an unfair test and for not explaining the concepts well. Tori's reactions are an example of
A)stereotype threat.
C)self-serving bias.
D)cognitive dissonance.
Matthew did poorly when trying out for his school's soccer team. To make himself feel better about his performance, he said to himself "at least I wasn't as bad as Brad." Matthew's self-talk is an example of
A)self-serving bias.
B)cognitive dissonance.
C)the fundamental attribution error.
D)social comparison.
Tyrone is supportive of same-sex marriage. However, the political candidate for whom he plans to vote opposes same-sex marriage. Tyrone is likely experiencing
A)cognitive dissonance.
B)the self-fulfilling prophecy.
C)the bystander effect.
An employer who thinks that members of a specific group are inferior is an example of _____; the employer's refusing to hire members of that group is an example of _____.
A)discrimination, prejudice
B)prejudice, discrimination
C)social comparison, stereotyping
D)stereotyping, social comparison
What does social psychological research have to say about decreasing within-group prejudice?
A)Exposure to members of the out-group results in decreased prejudice.
B)Competitive activities between members of groups results in decreased prejudice.
C)When groups work together to achieve a common goals, prejudice is decreased.
D)Prejudice is deep-rooted and cannot be influenced by psychological intervention.
What is the difference between egoism and altruism?
A)Egoism is the opposite of altruism.
B)Egoism involves helping others with no expectation of help in return, while altruism involves helping others with the expectation of help in return.
C)Egoism involves helping others with the expectation of help in return, while altruism involves helping others with no expectation of help in return.
D)Egoism involves helping others to the smallest extent possible, while altruism involves helping others to a much greater extent.
Which of the following is helpful in reducing prejudice?
B)us/them thinking
C)use of heuristics
After a movie has ended, an elderly man falls when walking down the steps of the crowded theater. There is an extremely long pause before anyone moves to help the man. This is an example of
D)the bystander effect.
Marilyn likes to watch reality television shows about police officers. She notices that when the police officers make drug-related arrests on the show, they invariably arrest very poor people. Marilyn thus believes that poor people are much more likely to use drugs than are people who are not poor. Marilyn's belief is an example of
B)self-serving bias.
C)the availability heuristic.
D)stereotype threat.
Kim was offered a job and wanted to get a salary of $35,000 per year. When her soon-to-be employer asked her what salary she expected, she said $40,000. She was confident that she would not get that high of a salary but rather expected her employer to reject that figure for a figure closer to $35,000. What strategy is Kim using?
A)cognitive dissonance strategy
B)foot-in-the-door strategy
C)elaboration-likelihood strategy
D)door-in-the-face strategy
A person who has a desire to be very close to his or her romantic partner and is fearful that his or her partner will leave is likely to have which of the following attachment styles?
Having friends help you move from one home to another is an example of which type of social support?
A)perceived support
B)emotional support
C)informational support
D)tangible support
Which of the following will decrease the likelihood of deindividuation?
A)large groups
C)saying a person's name
Love that is characterized by intense passion and infatuation is called
A)affectionate love.
B)romantic love.
C)social exchange love.
D)consensual love.
A soldier who commits acts of violence against others because his or her superior instructed him or her to do so is an example of
C)cognitive dissonance.
A C student thinks of himself as above average on intelligence. This is an example of
A)the fundamental attribution error.
B)a self-fulfilling prophecy.
C)a positive illusion.
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