Environmental Science, 11th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 9: Food and Agriculture

Animation Quiz - Food Guide Pyramid

Why is the food guide pyramid shaped? The pyramid shape reflects the different roles of food in maintaining a healthy metabolism. Carbohydrate rich foods are at the bottom because the main role of food is providing energy to drive metabolic processes. Although proteins or fats can also serve as sources of energy, carbohydrates are the most straightforward source. Fruits and vegetables also provide carbohydrates but, additionally, they provide vitamins and other nutrients. These are needed constantly during metabolism but in much smaller amounts than carbohydrates. Protein rich foods are at the top. Proteins are needed for growth and to replace old tissue. However the amount of protein needed for a non-growing adult is small relative to other items in the diet.

View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept.


The white diamonds and yellow dots in the background of the North American pyramid represent
A)sodium and fat.
B)sugar and fat.
C)sodium and sugar.
D)sodium and alcohol.

What is at the base of the North American pyramid?
A)Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta group
B)Daily Physical Activity
C)Fats, Oils and Sweets
D)Fruit group

What is at the base of the Latin American pyramid?
A)Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta group
B)Daily Physical Activity
C)Fats, Oils and Sweets
D)Fruit group

What food group is suggested to be eaten monthly on the Asian pyramid?
D)eggs and poultry

In the Mediterranean pyramid what oil is given its own group?
A)monounsaturated oils
B)canola oil
C)vegetable oil
D)olive oil
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